
On Saturday I published a post called #WritingMyselfRight. Not many people got to read it because later that same day I somehow managed to delete it, leaving only a much earlier draft.

I’d only hoped to alter a couple of words that were ‘bugging’ me, when I began to faff about on the WordPress app on my phone! Tired and unwell, with little capacity for concentration, I should have left well alone.

I’ve made it back to my desk just now and I’m going to start the process of rewriting what was lost. Wish me luck!



5 thoughts on “Oops

  1. I feel for you! I don’t do anything other than answer comments on my phone. Even using WP on the laptop I sometimes tweak something and it ends in tears. 😦 😦 Hopefully the rewrite will be even better. Wishing you a good weekend! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  2. It has been over a year since I saw you around the blog. I am sending this to let you know I am concerned, and that I hope you are OK.
    Best wishes, Pete. x


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