Treadmill Tales #4

That’s just about a mile clocked up now – it’s taken me rather longer than it once did!

Same stats as days two and three … with pace of 3.1 mph and a wee quarter of a mile completed. Today, despite feeling dozy after a busy week and a very early start, the urge to up the pace was strong. I reined in Tigger and resisted. Again, I enjoyed the feeling of being back on the treadmill.

According to my plan, I’m not due to up the pace until Day 11 … I suspect that’s going to change but I won’t get silly. (Down, Tigger, down boy!)

Enjoy this


2 thoughts on “Treadmill Tales #4

  1. ell done! i did no treeadmill today because i wasnt home and have no access to mine. but tomorrow, bring it on, and i did it both thursday and friday so do i get browniepoints/


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